Empowering Tomorrow, Sustaining Today: Eco TIGA / Zero Waste Living

The World’s First Zero Waste Fine Dining Restaurant

If you haven’t heard of Silo, the world’s first zero-waste fine-dining restaurant, you probably haven’t been to London lately.

The restaurant, which launched in Brighton before moving to East London in 2019, does not contain a single trash can. All ingredients arrive in reusable packaging. The team mills its own flour to make bread. And they ferment, brew or compost all their food waste.

Their zero-waste philosophy is commendable. For more details I have copied this link https://www.silolondon.com/pages/zero-waste-philosophy

When I came across this site I was absolutely amazed and hope that there will be more of these establishments available to the eco aware community in the near future.

Happy dining !



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